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  • How long does it take to train a dog for tracking?
    That's a loaded question. Every dog is different but, generally speaking, we can get a pretty solid foundation laid in three months. To finish a dog, it takes a lot of experience on real deer.
  • What age should a dog be to come for training?
    Ideally, 6-12 months old but we will take older dogs.
  • What does my dog need to know prior to coming to training?
    General manners but please socialize your dog with other dogs. Crate training them and exposure to kennels prior to coming will help make their transition to staying here go more smoothly.
  • How much does food cost?
    It depends on the dog and how much they consume. Current cost for Exclusive Performance is $63 for 37 lbs.
  • How much do you charge to track?
    We are a tip based service when it comes to tracking. This will remain this way until we are forced to operate in a different way.
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